Marian Community - Oasis of Peace

Convent of the Consolation

71026, Deliceto (FG)



Call from 09.00 to 12.00, from 14.00 to 17.00, from 19.30 to 21.00

For requests for hospitality, please indicate your name and surname, e-mail address and telephone number in the message.

Contact the Deliceto house

Contact the Deliceto house

Marian Community - Oasis of Peace

Convent of the Consolation

71026, Deliceto (FG)



Call from 09.00 to 12.00, from 14.00 to 17.00, from 19.30 to 21.00

For requests for hospitality, please indicate your name and surname, e-mail address and telephone number in the message.


Beginning of novitiate and potulandate, Mbalmayo, 15 August 2023

18/08/2023 23:49



Beginning of novitiate and potulandate, Mbalmayo, 15 August 2023

In our house in Mbalmayo (Cameron) a new novitiate and postulancy has begun. We thank the Lord for these young people walking with Mary.

A new novitiate has begun in our house in Mbalmayo (Cameron). We thank God and Mary for the gift of Christophe de la Vierge Marie, Mère du Bel Amour (Michel) and of Grégoire Marie du Saint-Esprit (Raymond) who on August 15 began this new stage in the journey of discernment and formation in the hands of P.Jakob. The two novices will have P. Andrea as their teacher. On the same day during vespers, Mary began her postulancy under Mary's gaze. It will be entrusted to sr.LigaMariaFrancesca who will follow the postulant. We pray for their fidelity and perseverance in this new stage of the journey, entrusting them to Mary who continues to lead new brothers and sisters on the path to Peace.



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