A hidden service...
The brothers and sisters participated and served in the seminar for "Healing the wounds of spiritual and physical life" led by Salvatore Martinez with the spiritual assistance of Mons. Guido Gallese in the Hotel Lavanda in Medjugorje from 24 to 27 October 2023. An unusual experience, both because we were away from home but also because we were not speakers in the front row!
The days were structured between catechesis and spiritual experiences including both the experience on the hills as well as the experience in the parish. The services carried out by us were first of all interceding, listening, confessing and playing, as well as the health service, thanks to our sister doctor. "Simply being" among the many brothers "in need of Peace" as spiritual support was a very strong experience! On such occasions we perceive how important the service of Intercession entrusted to us by the Church. Standing between God and wounded humanity to implore God for the gift of Reconciliation and Peace. How many hugs of forgiveness were seen, how many tears of thanks... but also how much suffering could be felt and pitied towards those people marked by the many difficult experiences of no peace!
As never before, even in these days "outside the Oasis", one felt that wherever there was a brother and sister from the Oasis there was always a bearer of the beautiful Charism "Called in Mary to conform to Christ, our Peace " !
Days like these certainly had to end with a Thanksgiving lunch in our house together with the organizational team, where everyone could share something about their personal experience, miracles experienced but also suffering suffered.
Thank you Gospa for Salvatore Martinez and the whole Team... now we have truly become brothers and friends on the journey... we needed an experience of collaboration of the kind in which the different charisms fertilized each other for the Good of the Church!