From 20 to 26 August 2023, the XXIII CMOP Meeting took place in Medjugorje, an annual meeting of all the members of the ecclesial family of the Oasis (consecrated persons, spouses, friends). This year's meeting was conceived as a return to the origins, to the inspiring place of the charism, Medjugorje precisely. Hence the title of the event: «Dear children, I promised you an oasis of peace». We go to the origin to receive and give life .
During the days, punctuated by moments of prayer, catechesis, testimony, sharing, some of the key themes of the spirituality of peace were explored in depth: prayer from the heart, listening to the Word, reconciliation, the Eucharist, fasting. Practices of asceticism and prayer, which educate the heart to interiority, open it to others, generate lifestyles, inform life.
In the context of these days, we enjoyed the presence of the apostolic visitor for the parish of Medjugorje, Msgr. Aldo Cavalli, who presided over the opening Eucharist of the meeting and shared a reflection with us. Furthermore, in this context two married couples (Teresa and Maurizio, Concetta Pia and Roberto) made the vow of peace for the first time, a charismatic vow common to all branches of the ecclesial family; a third couple (Nadia and Mauro) professed it definitively.
Let us bless the Lord for their yes!