Our Oasis of Medjugorje has started its first stop of the "New" Youth Project "FOLLOW ME, I AM YOUR PEACE", during the bridge of all Saints!
From 29 October to 04 November, young people from Italy, Austria, Germany, Lebanon and the United States reflected on the theme "Do not harm yourself". The common thread was offered to us by St. John Chrysostom who said: No one is hurt except by himself!
Through targeted catechesis, guided lectio divina, personal and community sharing, climbing hills, silent prayer, confessions, manual work, silence and play ... the children were able to grow in relationship with God, with themselves and with others. In short, they were DAYS OF INNER HEALING ... in view of being able to better see one's vocation!
This is precisely the purpose of this "New Project, FOLLOW ME"!
Seeing the gratitude on the faces of the boys and hearing the words with which they express it ... every time it is confirmed that in this place of GRACE Our Lady is truly the Teacher in the front row!